The Annual Shutdown, Turnaround & Inspection Forum on May 22-24, 2024 in Amsterdam, Netherlands

The Annual Shutdown, Turnaround & Inspection Forum on May 22-24, 2024 in Amsterdam, Netherlands

STMI Forum will gather the key industry

The Shutdown, Turnaround, Maintenance and Inspection forum brings together the key industry players in the market to discuss the current issues and future opportunities in the industry.

In presence of highly regulated markets, ageing assets, complex technologies and limited resources put forward a high demand for strategies which minimize risks, gain certainty and achieve operational excellence.

The integrity of infrastructure and equipment is of critical importance to ensure continued production and to aid provision of a safe working environment.

Shutdown, turnaround, maintenance and inspection event will focus on design, structure, maintenance, inspection, process, operations, and management concepts. The Summit will consist of case study presentations from thought leaders, panel discussions, workshops and master classes addressing a wide audience. We are pleased to invite you to take the opportunity and make benefit of it.



Topics/Learning points:

-Gain extensive TAR life-cycle knowledge on the preparation phase, budget control, logistical considerations, execution and much more.

-Understand Risk Based Inspection & Fitness for Service (RBI &FFS)

-Focus on effective approaches for planning and scheduling

-Understand how can we as an industry enable a paradigm shift in maintenance and inspection?

-Convert Implementation Project as solution for cost effective Maintenance

-Explore the key attributes of successful shutdown and turnaround events

-Overcome the hurdles of cost reduction

-Discover the path to opportunities and perform better


Name: Primo eventi

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