Success With Failure: Strategies for the Evaluation and Treatment of Heart Failure Management on July 24-26, 2025 in Banff, Canada

Success With Failure: Strategies for the Evaluation and Treatment of Heart Failure Management on July 24-26, 2025 in Banff, Canada

Success With Failure: Strategies for the Evaluation and Treatment of Heart Failure will feature up-to-date presentations on the evaluation and treatment of heart failure. New diagnostic tools, drugs, and devices will be reviewed along with their role in specific clinical situations. Integration of guidelines and clinical management will be highlighted. The program format includes interactive case based discussions, surgical and medical perspectives to ensure a lively and relevant educational opportunity for all participants.


Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:

-identify relevant features of national heart failure guidelines;

-discuss the clinical profile of heart failure;

-differentiate patients with reduced and preserved ejection fraction;

-describe how to utilize medical devices and surgical therapies in the care of heart failure patients; and,

-summarize the timing and expected outcome for surgical interventions in heart failure patients.


This course is designed for cardiologists, internists, primary care providers, cardiac surgeons, physician assistants, and cardiovascular nurse practitioners and specialists caring for patients with heart failure.

Time: 7:30 AM - 12:00 PM


Registration: USD 900.00

Speakers: Barry Borlaug, Margaret Redfield, Yogesh Reddy, alfredo clavell, Milton Packer

Name: Mayo Clinic
Address: 200 1st St SW

The Mayo Building is the main center of the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. When the original 10-story Mayo Building was completed in 1955 by designers of Ellerbe & Company, it had been the largest construction project undertaken by Mayo.
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