SPE Workshop: Production Optimisation in Oil and Gas Assets on January 23-24, 2024 in Vienna, Austria

SPE Workshop: Production Optimisation in Oil and Gas Assets on January 23-24, 2024 in Vienna, Austria

Welcome to the SPE Workshop: Production Optimisation in Oil and Gas Assets, a high-quality event where experts, operators, and service companies share their latest developments, successes, and failures on late-life production topics in oil and gas assets as well as for new applications such as CO2 storage, geothermal and energy storage.


This workshop will aim to improve and accelerate the development of activities to optimise production in gas and oil wells and assets (from early production to late-life) and is intended for all stakeholders operating in the exploration and production industry, from operators, to service companies, to research centres. The use of digital technologies to optimise operation and production from subsurface assets will be discussed during the workshop. In addition, the importance of production optimisation discipline in new applications such as CO2 storage, geothermal and energy storage will be highlighted.


Technical presentations will be alternated to breakout sessions, giving plenty of opportunities for lively interaction and networking among participants. Some of our exciting sessions include:


- Digitalisation of Production Optimisation

- Chemicals in Production Optimisation

- Late-life Production Optimisation

- Artificial Lift in Oil Wells Latest Trends


View the full schedule here: http://go.spe.org/_30821-1452e



Tickets: https://go.evvnt.com/1907300-0?pid=10008

Sponsor: https://go.evvnt.com/1907300-3?pid=10008


SPE Member: USD 850.00,
Non-Member: USD 1000.00


Time: 08:00 to 17:00

Name: Society of Petroleum Engineers

Society of Petroleum Engineers is the largest member organization of oil and gas professionals worldwide.
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