Rolling Stock Forum on February 07, 2023 in London, United Kingdom

Rolling Stock Forum on February 07, 2023 in London, United Kingdom

The Rolling Stock Forum is returning on 7th February 2023 to provide a practical guide on how to meet, current and future, rolling stock needs. You will hear updates and lessons on how to manage procurement and ensure new trains are successfully introduced into service.

From exploring the impact of reform and the William-Shapps Plan for Rail on rolling stock and future procurement, to examining the cost effectiveness of life extension compared to procurement, the day will explore the biggest issues impacting rolling stock. Attending will also mean you will get the latest updates on the infrastructure plans for the network and what these mean for future fleet requirements.


Name: Waterfront Conference Company Events
Address: Boundary House, 91-93 Charterhouse St, Barbican

Established in 1993, Waterfront Conference Company is one of the UK’s leading providers of conferences and training events for the ports, planning, education, rail and media sectors.
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