Preparing to be a Consultant: 7 Useful Steps on November 26, 2024 in Hastings, United Kingdom

Preparing to be a Consultant: 7 Useful Steps on November 26, 2024 in Hastings, United Kingdom

Are you ready to take your expertise to the next level and become a respected consultant in your field?

Embarking on a new career as a consultant radiologist can be enormously rewarding both personally and professionally.

This one day course is ideal for those senior radiology trainees approaching their CCT.

Key highlights

JCA Seminars presents “Preparing to become a consultant: 7 useful steps”. This compelling one-day, jampacked event will equip you the skills and knowledge required to get the consultant job you want and become a successful radiology consultant.

We invite seven experienced senior consultant radiologists, who have already walked the path you are about to embark on to provide their invaluable insights and experiences in becoming a consultant. The course will also give you insights into how to further develop your consultant role.

Name: JCA Seminars
Address: 5 Branodunum

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