Multifunctional farming: landscape, people, food, and ecology on September 16-19, 2025 in Rzeszów, Poland

Multifunctional farming: landscape, people, food, and ecology on September 16-19, 2025 in Rzeszów, Poland

Agriculture requires a holistic approach, taking into account its crucial functions across various dimensions, including the natural, socio-cultural, and economic realms. Therefore, the primary objective of the conference is to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and experiences, as well as to foster connections and cooperation between those cultivating and using the resources of agricultural landscapes. The conference aims to bridge the gap between scientific research and practice.

The conference is dedicated to farmers, biologists, foresters, landscapers, economists, sociologists, anthropologists, researchers and practitiners, policy makers, students, and experts.

Amongst the topics discussed:

 Protecting nature against, despite, or with farmers?

 Future cultural landscapes: vegan-friendly and livestock-grazed?

 The traditional knowledgeable peasants: what are their messages for us?

 Should farmers pay double price for global changes?

 Subsidising food production: helping the big to grow bigger and supporting the small?

 Future of food systems: further globalisation or restoring sovereignties?

 Can urban farming really help feed an increasingly urban world?

Name: University of Rzeszów
Address: Al. T. Rejtana 16C, 35-959

Agriculture requires a holistic approach, taking into account its crucial functions across various dimensions, including the natural, socio-cultural, and economic realms. Therefore, the primary objective of the conference is to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and experiences, as well as to foster connections and cooperation between those cultivating and using the resources of agricultural landscapes. The conference aims to bridge the gap between scientific research and practice.
Description Price Date
Early bird participants EUR 250.00 Before December 31, 2024
Early bird student participants EUR 180.00 Before December 31, 2024
Standard participants EUR 300.00 Before May 31, 2025
Standard student participants EUR 220.00 Before May 31, 2025
Late registration EUR 400.00 After May 30, 2025
Late student registration EUR 300.00 After May 30, 2025
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