ISPIM Connects Salzburg on December 11-13, 2023 in Salzburg, Austria

ISPIM Connects Salzburg on December 11-13, 2023 in Salzburg, Austria

Join us for the ISPIM Connects Salzburg Conference - "The Sound of Innovation" - that takes place in Salzburg, Austria from 11-13 December 2023.

Engage with fellow innovation professionals from academia, industry, consulting and the public sector. Take part in workshops, hot-topic discussions and panel discussions as well as sessions on the latest academic research results and industry cases. Hear from leading innovation thought leaders and learn about the thriving innovation ecosystem in and around Salzburg - and, of course, experience our great networking events at fantastic venues throughout this musical, festival and UNESCO heritage city!

This conference is in-person only and there will be no possibility to participate virtually.

AI and Innovation (including Big Data)

Business Models

Circular Innovation (SIG)

Creativity in Innovation

Design and Design Thinking for Innovation

Digital Disruption & Transformation & Platforms (SIG)

Entrepreneurship & Innovation in Start-Ups & SMEs

Futures & Foresight

Health, Healthcare & Innovation Management (SIG)

Innovation Leadership & Organisational Culture (SIG)

Innovation Management Systems, Standards & Certification (SIG)

Innovation Policies & Public Instruments

Innovation Training, Teaching & Coaching (SIG)

Knowledge & Technology Transfer for Innovation

Living Labs (SIG)

Methods & Skills for Innovation Management Research

Open Innovation

Platforms, Ecosystems and Supply Chains

Responsible Innovation (SIG)

Values-based & Sustainability-Oriented Innovation Management (SIG)

Name: ISPIM - The International Society for Professional Innovation Management

ISPIM - the International Society for Professional Innovation Management - is a community of members from research, industry, consulting and the public sector, all sharing a passion for innovation management - how to successfully create new products, processes and services from ideas to stimulate economic growth and well-being. Formed in Norway in 1983, ISPIM is the oldest, largest and most active truly global innovation network.
Description Price Date
Conference Delegate Ticket EUR 575.00 Before December 11, 2023
Social Guest Only Ticket EUR 150.00 Before December 11, 2023
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