International Workshop on HIV Drug Resistance and Treatment Strategies on April 09-11, 2025 in Somerset West, South Africa

International Workshop on HIV Drug Resistance and Treatment Strategies on April 09-11, 2025 in Somerset West, South Africa

The XXXI International HIV Drug Resistance and Treatment Strategies Workshop is an open workshop, with limited attendance capacity.

All individuals interested in attending this Workshop are encouraged to submit an abstract application prior to the deadline of Monday, 20 January 2025. An on-line abstract application link will be available on this Workshop website shortly.

All abstract applications will be acknowledged, but this acknowledgment does not represent a confirmation of acceptance. Applications sent via e-mail cannot be accepted. Abstract authors will be notified by 10 February 2025 of the status of their submission.

The Workshop is the premier forum addressing the growing challenge of resistance to antiretrovirals, especially in low and middle income countries (LMIC). Leading laboratory scientists, clinical investigators, epidemiologists, programme directors and other stakeholders will present and discuss the latest findings on HIV drug resistance and its implications particularly for LMIC.

The Workshop programme will consist of educational sessions, invited plenary presentations and abstract-driven oral and poster sessions.

While abstracts relating to HIV drug resistance from all settings are encouraged, the scientific committee is especially interested in abstracts that address issues for LMIC.

Name: Southern African HIV Clinicians Society

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