International Summit on Chemistry Research and Novel Developments on November 19-21, 2025 in Rome, Italy

International Summit on Chemistry Research and Novel Developments on November 19-21, 2025 in Rome, Italy


It is a great pleasure for us to announce and invite you all to participate in the first edition of International Summit on Chemistry Research and Novel Developments(CHEMISTRYSUMMIT2025), which will be held in Rome, Italy during November 19-21, 2025.

The objective of CHEMISTRYSUMMIT2025 is to provide a unique forum for discussion of the latest developments, refresh your knowledge and will offer plenty of networking opportunities, providing you a chance to meet and interact with leading researchers as well as most influential minds in the field of chemistry.

The CHEMISTRYSUMMIT2025 will showcase cutting-edge research, breakthrough technologies, and creative ideas that have the potential to shape the future of chemistry research. Through a series of thought-provoking plenary and keynote speeches, and interactive thematic sessions, we will explore the novel developments in the field.

As a distinguished professional in your field, your expertise and insights would be invaluable in enriching the dialogue at our conference. Your presence will not only contribute to the success of the event but also provide a unique platform for networking with fellow experts, industry leaders, and policymakers from around the globe.

We look forward to your valued presence at CHEMISTRYSUMMIT2025 in Rome.

Name: Synergia Summits Private Limited

Description Price Date
Speaker Registration USD 699.00 Before February 28, 2025
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