International Meet on Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine on April 07-09, 2025 in Budapest, Hungary

International Meet on Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine on April 07-09, 2025 in Budapest, Hungary

The event's overarching aim, to set the stage for a dynamic and insightful congress. ASVMMEET2025 stands out as a premier interdisciplinary platform that brings together a diverse spectrum of professionals, including scientists, researchers, chemists, physicists, healthcare professionals, pharmacists, clinicians, practitioners, industry leaders, and educators. The convergence of these varied perspectives is intended to spark discussions, catalyze collaborations, and push the boundaries of knowledge in Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine.

 Animal Science

 Animal Physiology and Behavior

 Animal Reproduction

 Animal Production Technology

 Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology

 Animal Welfare and Health

 Animal Reproduction and Genetics

 Animal Viral Diseases

 Animal Parasitology

 Animal Vaccines

 Animal Husbandry and Dairy Science

 Animal Ethics

 Animal Cloning

 Aquatic Animal Health

 Animal Manure Treatment

 Poultry Production and Nutrition

 Poultry Genetics, Breeding and Biotechnology

 Poultry Nutrition, Physiology and Livelihood

 Poultry Disease and Health

 Poultry Housing, Management and Post-harvest Technology

 Veterinary Internal Medicine

 Veterinary Vaccines

 Veterinary Nursing & Animal Care

 Livestock Production & Management

 Integrative Animal Biology

 Meat Science & Muscle Biology

 Fisheries and Aquaculture

 Importance of Animal Models

 Veterinary Dentistry

 Veterinary Pathobiology

 Veterinary Embryology

 Veterinary Microbiology

 Veterinary Forensics

 Veterinary Medicine Issues and Applications

 Veterinary Medicine

 Zoo Nutrition

Name: ACME Meetings
Address: Hyderabad

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