International Conference on Water, Sanitation, Food Security and Waste Management ICWSFSWM on May 24-25, 2026 in Montreal, Canada

International Conference on Water, Sanitation, Food Security and Waste Management ICWSFSWM on May 24-25, 2026 in Montreal, Canada

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International Conference on Water, Sanitation, Food Security and Waste Management (ICWSFSWM) May 24, 2026 - Montreal, Canada
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene:
Aerobic and Anaerobic Treatment
Climate Change
Ecological Sanitation
Household Treatment and Safe Storage
Hygiene and Behavioral Change
ICT for Water
Industrial Hygiene
Innovations in Water Supply and Waste Water
Low Tech Treatment Systems
Measurement and Risk Management
Nutrient Removal
Operation and Maintenance of Water Supply Systems
Prevention and Treatment of Waterborne Illnesses
River Restoration
Sanitation and Health
Sanitation: Urban and Rural
School Sanitation
Soil Quality
Sustainable Development
Waste Management
Waste Water Reclamation and Reuse
Water and Sanitation Services
Water Economics
Water Policy and Governance
Water Quality
Water Source Protection

Food Security:
Global and local analyses of food security
Enabling policies for local and global food security
Sustainable intensification of food production systems
Novel ways of feeding
Learning from the past to understand the future
Land sparing, land sharing and trade-offs
Agricultural production as feedstock for renewables
Lost harvest and wasted food
Nutritional security
Labelling, certifying and striving for quality and sustainability of food production

Waste Management:
Industrial waste
Reduce, reuse, recycle and recovery
Energy from waste
Environmental remediation
Waste processing
Agricultural waste
Environmental impact

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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