International Conference on Water Resource and Environmental Protection ICWREP on March 29-30, 2026 in Sydney, Australia

International Conference on Water Resource and Environmental Protection ICWREP on March 29-30, 2026 in Sydney, Australia

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International Conference on Water Resource and Environmental Protection (ICWREP) March 29, 2026 - Sydney, Australia
Sustainable development and utilization of water resources
Origin and distribution of water resources
Water resources basin classification and evaluation of water resources
Water resources development and environmental protection
River basin management and river health
Sustainable utilization of water resources efficiently

Water pollution control
Water quality classification standard and test method
Sewage treatment, water purification methods and technique
Groundwater science and technology
Water pollution monitoring and simulation
Purification of river water quality and ecological restoration measures

Soil and solid waste pollution control
The present situation and harm of soil pollution
Soil and solid waste pollution control and repair
Contaminated soil bioremediation methods and chemical methods
Solid waste management and evaluation
Hazardous substances management

Environmental analysis and monitoring
The environmental monitoring methods and quality analysis
Pollutant analysis method and analysis technology of the environment

Atmospheric pollution and quality control
Air pollution control technology
Air quality management
Atmospheric pollution monitoring and simulation

Global environmental change
Global climate change and the effects to human health
Low carbon city development
Chemical pollution, food safety and human health

Environmental management
Environmental quality and technology management
Environmental impact assessment
Clean production and emissions reduction plan
Ecological restoration and reconstruction

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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