International Conference on Urban Studies, Planning and Development ICUSPD on August 19-20, 2026 in Bangkok, Thailand

International Conference on Urban Studies, Planning and Development ICUSPD on August 19-20, 2026 in Bangkok, Thailand

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International Conference on Urban Studies, Planning and Development (ICUSPD) August 19, 2026 - Bangkok, Thailand
Architecture and urban development
Architectural images and economy
Capital and city
Citizen participation and democracy in urban planning practice
Citizen participation in urban governance
City and regional planning
City planning and economy
City, history and economy
Construction and its finance
Demographic and social structures of the cities
Development and industrial geography
Dynamics of economic development
Dynamics of urbanization
Economic changes and development
Economy and city
Economy and urbanization
Housing development
Housing market
Images of the city on the media
Large-scale infrastructure investments with mega projects
Legal framework for urban economy
Legal-administrative backgrounds
Local economy and development
Local governments and local budgets
Mega projects and their financing
Neoliberal political economy
Place management and development
Production and distribution of urban rent
Public participation and the democratization of urban planning
Public policies and urban services
Public space and publicity
Real estate and banking sector
Real estate and urban development
Relationship between city, industry and employment
Slum transformation
Slum upgrading and transformation
Slum upgrading strategies and their effects on health and socio-economic outcomes
Social, cultural, ecological, economic and political indicators
Social-environmental impacts
Socio-spatial segregation in urban area
Sustainable urbanization
The challenge of slums
The place of new social classes on urban economy
The socio-economic dimension of mass and internal migration
Transformation and Movement for slum upgrading program
Urban administration
Urban and economics of health
Urban and economics of tourism
Urban and economics of transportation
Urban and regional planning
Urban culture
Urban development
Urban development and demography
Urban development and education
Urban development and health
Urban health
Urban impact evaluation
Urban infrastructure
Urban justice, poverty and deprivation
Urban participation and democratization
Urban planning and development
Urban policy and economy
Urban slums
Urban social transformation
Urban space and urban processes
Urban studies
Urban studies and planning
Urban studies, planning and living in cities
Urban sustainability
Urban transformation
Urban transformation in slums
Urbanization and development
Urbanization spaces of production and production processes

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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