International Conference on Tunnel Construction ICTC on September 20-21, 2026 in Toronto, Canada

International Conference on Tunnel Construction ICTC on September 20-21, 2026 in Toronto, Canada

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International Conference on Tunnel Construction (ICTC) September 20, 2026 - Toronto, Canada
Tunnelling and underground space technology
Mining and tunneling geophysics
Design and construction of tunnels
Tunnel safety and ventilation

Sub surface characterization for soft ground
Geotechnical investigation for soft ground tunneling
Soils classification of soils for tunneling

Tunnel construction in soft ground
Soft ground tunneling
Hand excavation and simple tunnel machines
Excavator shields in competent ground
New Austrian Tunneling Method
Soft ground slurry tunneling
Compressed air tunneling

Tunnel lining selection and design for soft ground
Soft ground tunneling ground support system selection
Two pass linings
One pass linings
Segmental linings
Jacked pipe linings

Sub surface characterization for rock
Geotechnical site investigation for rock tunneling
Rock classification of rock mass for tunneling

Tunnel construction in rock
Rock tunneling
Rock excavation methods
Drill and blast tunnels
Road headers in competent ground
Hard rock tunneling
Tunnel excavation performance evaluation

Tunnel lining selection and design for rock tunnels
Rock tunnel support system selection
Supports to hard rock tunnels
Shaft construction for tunneling
Rib and lag and steel supports
Sheet piles
Jet grouting
Slurry walls
Ground freezing

Pipe jacking and microtunneling
Pipe jacking capabilities, equipment and techniques
Microtunneling capabilities, equipment and techniques
Jacking pipe for pipe jacking/microtunneling
Specialist techniques for microtunneling

Potential problems in tunneling and shaft construction for tunneling
Ground improvement (grouting methods for ground improvement)
Groundwater control
Obstructions and mixed face tunneling

Tunnel planning and minimization of risk
Investigation and pre planning
Method and equipment selection
Performance envelopes for various tunnel methods
Specification preparation for tunneling
Contract document preparation for tunneling
Risk mitigation and management techniques for tunneling
Tunnel construction management, inspection, monitoring and control
Tunnel and microtunnel cost influences and costs levels

Tunnel management and safety
Tunnel design management and safety
Tunnel and shaft operation safety

New developments, trends and techniques
Investigation techniques
Hard rock tunneling
Soft ground tunneling
Pipe jacking and microtunneling
Pipe roofing techniques
Jacked boxes

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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