International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research ICTBR on May 24-25, 2026 in London, United Kingdom

International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research ICTBR on May 24-25, 2026 in London, United Kingdom

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International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research (ICTBR) May 24, 2026 - London, United Kingdom
Passenger/freight travel behaviour analysis, modeling, and forecasting (urban and inter-city)
Travel survey methods including stated choice experiments
Telecommunications - Time Use - Travel interactions
Tourism, leisure, and recreation
Microsimulation of individuals, households, and organizations
Planning methods, policy formulation, and policy impact analysis
Urban form, travel behaviour, air quality (emissions), and global climate change
Transportation network analysis and supply modeling
Route choice, mental maps, and way-finding behaviour
Time-space and agent interactions in activity-travel analysis
Integrated land use - travel demand - transportation supply models
Location choice, activity patterns, and quality of life
Travel behaviour of special population groups
Mobility and travel behaviour in developing countries
Social implications of accessibility and social networking
Sustainable transportation - paratransit, two-wheelers, and non-motorized transportation
Keeping public transit competitive and viable in an era of growing auto ownership

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

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