International Conference on Transportation Planning and Technology ICTPT on October 28-29, 2026 in Lisbon, Portugal

International Conference on Transportation Planning and Technology ICTPT on October 28-29, 2026 in Lisbon, Portugal

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International Conference on Transportation Planning and Technology (ICTPT) October 28, 2026 - Lisbon, Portugal
Transportation planning
Public transportation planning
Transportation, planning, operation and management
Transportation policy and practice
Transportation planning models and sustainability
Evaluating alternatives and developing plans
Rational actor, transit oriented development, satisfying, and incremental planning
Organizational process, collaborative planning, and political bargaining
Design of effective transport and management systems
Transport and infrastructure systems
Modes of transport, strategic transport planning, and sustainable transport
Traffic and mobility management
Software tools for transportation planning and management
Transport demand, forecasting and statistics
Conventional and unconventional future systems technology
Urban and interurban transport terminals and interchanges
Environmental aspects associated with transport

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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