International Conference on Tourism Marketing and Management ICTMM on June 07-08, 2026 in San Francisco, United States

International Conference on Tourism Marketing and Management ICTMM on June 07-08, 2026 in San Francisco, United States

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International Conference on Tourism Marketing and Management (ICTMM) June 07, 2026 - San Francisco, United States
Buyer Behavior and Customer Relation Management
Marketing Strategy and Communications
Competitive Advantage of marketing Management
Pricing and Branding Management
New Product, Promotion and Service Marketing

Tourism and Hospitality Management
Hospitality Management
Tourism Management, Policy and Development
Lifestyle Services and Responses Tourism
Cultural Impacts of Tourism
Best Practices of Hospitality and Tourism Marketing

Organizational Behavior, Development & Change
Knowledge and Entrepreneurship Management
Environmental Management
Global Innovation & Related Strategies
Human Resources Management

Service quality and consumer satisfaction
Motivation, job satisfaction and employees service orientation in hospitality
Sustainable development (use of green technologies, social responsibility)
Contemporary trends in building and equipping hotels

Hote, l and restaurants energy solutions
Motivation, behavior and HR in tourism
Motivation and human resources in tourism&, lt;, /P>
Behavior of tourists
Travel motivation and preferences
Decision making process

Tourism Policy and regional development
Tourism Policy and Planning
Public-Private Partnerships in Tourism
Monitoring and Management of Tourism Development
EU Policy and Tourism
Tourism and Globalization

ICT in tourism
E-Strategy and e-Business models
Internet marketing
Smart phone utilization
Mobile services
Website design and evaluation
Advanced distribution systems

Destination image and branding
Destination competitiveness
Education in tourism and teaching
Educational aspects in tourism
A review of innovation research in tourism
Innovation patterns in sustainable tourism
Tourism training and education

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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