International Conference on Thermophysics and Heat Transfer ICTHT on May 13-14, 2026 in Amsterdam, Netherlands

International Conference on Thermophysics and Heat Transfer ICTHT on May 13-14, 2026 in Amsterdam, Netherlands

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International Conference on Thermophysics and Heat Transfer (ICTHT) May 13, 2026 - Amsterdam, Netherlands
Aerothermodynamics and aerothermal design
Aircraft thermal systems and components
Code verification and validation techniques
Computational aspects of nonequilibrium and reacting flows
Computational heat transfer and thermophysics
Conduction, convection, radiation, or combined heat transfer
Cryogenics and cryogenic systems
Direct simulation Monte Carlo methods
Electronic and microelectronic avionics cooling
Energy conversion in micro-systems
Heat pipes and loop heat pipes
Heat transfer and cooling in turbomachinery
High-speed flows
Historical perspectives in thermophysics research
Hypersonic and rarefied flow experiments
Laser material interactions
MEMS and microfluidics
Microgravity effects on high-power two-phase thermal management systems
Molecular dynamics simulations
Multiphase fluid flow and heat transfer
Nano- and micro-scale heat transfer
Nonequilibrium radiation
Nonintrusive diagnostics and evaluation
Plumes and combustion
Radiative property measurement and simulation
Rarefied flow computations
Second law and exergy methods
Spacecraft contamination
Space environmental effects
Surface catalysis
Test facilities and instrumentation for aerospace thermal engineering
Thermal contact conductance
Thermal control and management in aircraft/space systems
Thermal engineering in microgravity conditions
Thermoelectric cooling and generation
Thermophysical properties
Turbulent flow and heat transfer
Heat and mass transfer
Means and methods of aero- and thermophysical experiment
Physics of low-temperature plasma
Physical and technical problems of energetic

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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