International Conference on Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity ICTEGR on September 16-17, 2026 in Zurich, Switzerland

International Conference on Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity ICTEGR on September 16-17, 2026 in Zurich, Switzerland

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International Conference on Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity (ICTEGR) September 16, 2026 - Zurich, Switzerland
General relativity
From classical mechanics to general relativity
Geometry of Newtonian gravity
Relativistic generalization
Einstein's equations
Alternatives to general relativity
Consequences of Einstein's theory
Gravitational time dilation and frequency shift
Light deflection and gravitational time delay
Gravitational waves
Orbital effects and the relativity of direction
Astrophysical applications
Gravitational lensing
Gravitational wave astronomy
Causal structure and global geometry
Horizons and singularities
Global and quasi-local quantities
Relationship with quantum theory
Quantum field theory in curved spacetime
Quantum gravity
Special relativity
Equivalence principle
Rindler space
Curved coordinates
Riemann curvature
The metric tensor
Einstein’s law of gravity
The action principle
Special coordinates
The Schwarzschild solution
Schwarzschild metric
The Robertson-Walker metric
Gravitational radiation

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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