International Conference on Telecare, Telehealth and Telemedicine ICTTT on January 16-17, 2025 in Rome, Italy

International Conference on Telecare, Telehealth and Telemedicine ICTTT on January 16-17, 2025 in Rome, Italy

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International Conference on Telecare, Telehealth and Telemedicine (ICTTT) January 16, 2025 - Rome, Italy
Objectives of Telecare
Emergency telemedicine
General health care delivery
Teleneuropsychology, telenursing and telepharmacy
Teletrauma care
Remote surgery
Specialist care delivery
Teletransmission of ECG using methods indigenous to Asia
Telepsychiatry, teleradiology, telepathology, teledermatology, teledentistry, teleaudiology and teleophthalmology

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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