International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition ICSAFSN on October 28-29, 2026 in Los Angeles, United States

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition ICSAFSN on October 28-29, 2026 in Los Angeles, United States

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International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition (ICSAFSN) October 28, 2026 - Los Angeles, United States
Agricultural Economics and Bioeconomics
Conservation and utilisation of plant, animal and fish genetic resources
Development and promotion of breeds, varieties and management practices for adaptation to climate change and variability
Food and nutrition security for improved health
Food Production, Food Security and Agriculture
Food Safety and Security
Management of diseases and pests of strategic crops, livestock and fisheries
Marine, Maritime and Inland Water Research
Post-harvest handling and processing of crop, livestock and fisheries resources
Promotion of enabling gender responsive policies and institutions for sustainable agriculture, food and nutrition
Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security
Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry
Sustainable Food Production
Sustainable intensification of crop, livestock and fisheries systems
Wildlife Conservation and Food Resources

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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