International Conference on Social Media and Technology ICSMT on January 14-15, 2026 in Zurich, Switzerland

International Conference on Social Media and Technology ICSMT on January 14-15, 2026 in Zurich, Switzerland

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International Conference on Social Media and Technology (ICSMT) January 14, 2026 - Zurich, Switzerland
Analyzing the relationship between social media and mainstream media
Centrality/influence of social media publications and authors
Digital culture
Human computer interaction; social media tools; navigation and visualization
Hypertext pedagogy
Impact of social media on curriculum design and teaching practices
Methodologies for teaching social media
New social media applications; interfaces; interaction techniques
Psychological, personality-based and ethnographic studies of social media
Qualitative and quantitative studies of social media
Ranking/relevance of blogs and microblogs; web page ranking based on blogs and microblogs
Research and social media
Social innovation and effecting change through social media
Social media and health communication
Social media and mass communication
Social media and minority use
Social media and the future of journalism
Social media as an assessment tool
Social network analysis; communities identification; expertise and authority discovery; collaborative filtering
Subjectivity in textual data; sentiment analysis; polarity/opinion identification and extraction
Text categorization; topic recognition; demographic/gender/age identification
Trend identification and tracking; time series forecasting; measuring predictability of phenomena based on social media
Trust; reputation; recommendation systems

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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