International Conference on Scientific Computing ICSC on March 17-18, 2025 in Madrid, Spain

International Conference on Scientific Computing ICSC on March 17-18, 2025 in Madrid, Spain

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International Conference on Scientific Computing (ICSC) March 17, 2025 - Madrid, Spain
Inversion problems
Computational physicsComputational chemistry
Mathematical modeling
Computational models
Computational fluid dynamics
Monte Carlo methods and applications
Supercomputing and scientific computing
Scientific visualization
Numerical methods and simulation
Ordinary and partial differential equations
Molecular dynamics
Stochastic differential equations
Optimization and optimal control
Finite element methods
Software architectures for scientific computing
Scientific computing and supercomputing benchmark design
domain decomposition methods
Seismic data processing
Multi-level and Multi-grid methods
Iterative methods
Krylov methods
Level-set methods
Atmospheric science
Integral equations
Operational research
Dynamical systems
Generalized eigen-problems
Coupled problems
Nonsymmetric solvers
Nonlinear systems and eigenvalue solvers
Computational electromagnetics
Computational electrodynamics
Numerical linear algebra
Approximation theory
Mathematics and circuit simulation
Mathematical software tools
Splines and wavelets and applications
Engineering problems and emerging applications

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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