International Conference on Railway Engineering and Transportation Management ICRETM on August 30-31, 2025 in Zanzibar, Tanzania

International Conference on Railway Engineering and Transportation Management ICRETM on August 30-31, 2025 in Zanzibar, Tanzania

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International Conference on Railway Engineering and Transportation Management (ICRETM) August 30, 2025 - Zanzibar, Tanzania
Railway engineering
Rail technology and engineering
Design, construction and operation of railway systems
Command, control and railway signaling
Permanent way engineering
Railway vehicle engineering
Railway systems engineering
Railway signaling
Fare collection
Public address
Intrusion detection
Access control
Systems integration
Condition monitoring technology of all railway sub-systems
Intelligent infrastructure and asset management strategies
Event recording and data logging
Predictive analysis tools and techniques
State-of-the-art sensing techniques and non-destructive testing
Data management, standards, modelling and presentation
Condition-based maintenance and reliability-centered maintenance
System management and cost benefit analysis
Non-destructive testing
Rail safety and security
New technologies

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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