International Conference on Radio Science and Antenna Technology ICRSAT on October 07-08, 2026 in New York, United States

International Conference on Radio Science and Antenna Technology ICRSAT on October 07-08, 2026 in New York, United States

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International Conference on Radio Science and Antenna Technology (ICRSAT) October 07, 2026 - New York, United States
Radio Science and Engineering
Electromagnetic metrology
Fields and waves
Radio communication systems and signal processing
Electronics and photonics
Electromagnetic environment and interference
Wave propagation and remote sensing
Ionospheric radio and propagation
Waves in plasmas
Radio astronomy
Electromagnetics in biology and medicine

Antenna Theory and Technology
General antenna theory
Reflector, lens and hybrid antennas
Antenna arrays
Adaptive and smart antennas
Ultra-wideband, broadband and multi-frequency antennas
Low-gain, printed antennas
Antennas for mobile communication
Antennas for remote sensing
Measurements of antenna parameters
Analytical and numerical methods
Components and circuits of microwave and optoelectronic communication systems
Industrial and medical applications of microwave technology
Electromagnetic compatibility
Antenna radomes and absorbers

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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