International Conference on Prehypertension, Hypertension and Cardio Metabolic Syndrome ICPHCMS on August 23-24, 2025 in Budapest, Hungary

International Conference on Prehypertension, Hypertension and Cardio Metabolic Syndrome ICPHCMS on August 23-24, 2025 in Budapest, Hungary

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International Conference on Prehypertension, Hypertension and Cardio Metabolic Syndrome (ICPHCMS) August 23, 2025 - Budapest, Hungary
Metabolic Syndrome and Vitamin D
Prediabetes – Mechanisms, Diagnosis and Management
Pre-Levels of CV Risk Factors – Boosting Risk of Events and Deciding Who Should be Treated
Benefits of Achieving Optimal Risk Factors Level – When, How and with What?
PreHypertension and Metabolic Syndrome in Different Populations – Epidemiologic Aspects
Total Cardiovascular Risk Evaluation and Management
Arterial Properties, Evaluation and Treatment in Metabolic Syndrome
Cardiac Markers of Pre-Clinical Disease in Metabolic Syndrome Patients
Effect of Pre-Disease Risk Factors in Patients with the Metabolic Syndrome on Morbidity and Mortality
Which Elderly Patients with Pre-Disease should be Considered for Medical Treatment
Children and Adolescents: PreHypertension and Metabolic Syndrome, Progression of Risk and Diagnosis of Disease
The Heart, the Brain and the Kidney in Pre-Disease and the Metabolic Syndrome
Addressing the Global CV Risk Factors in Pre-Disease and in Disease
Arterial Properties, Central Blood Pressure and Augmentation Index in Pre-Disease and Disease in Patients with Cardiometabolic Syndrome
PreHypertension, Hypertension and Renal Denervation
PreHypertension, Prediabetes and Dyslipidemia – Estimation of Risk and Therapeutic Approach
Cardiometabolic Syndrome in Children
Gestational Prehypertension and Gestational Hypertension

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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