International Conference on Policing and Law Enforcement ICPLE on July 12-13, 2026 in Ottawa, Canada

International Conference on Policing and Law Enforcement ICPLE on July 12-13, 2026 in Ottawa, Canada

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International Conference on Policing and Law Enforcement (ICPLE) July 12, 2026 - Ottawa, Canada
Access of Law Enforcement to Smart Devices
Air and Sea Transport Solutions
Arms, Ammunitions and Pyrotechnics
Artificial Intelligence and Law Enforcement
Big Data and Community Policing
Clothing, Fabrics and Accessories
Community Policing
Cyber Security
Data Protection by Design
Data Protection in Law Enforcement
Detection and Identification Systems
Drones and Robots
Evidence-Based Policing Conference
Forensics Science Solutions and Services
Globalization of Criminal Evidence
Intellectual Property Crime
International Law Enforcement
Law Enforcement and Security
Law of Policing
Mental Health and Policing
Methods of Entry
Non-lethal Weapons
Personnel Protective Equipment
Police Recruitment and Retention
Policing and Law Enforcement
Policing Science and Law Enforcement
Predictive Policing
Retention of Telecommunication Data
Security Science and Technology
Shooting Targets and Simulators
Special and Armoured Vehicles
Use of Open Sources in Investigations in the Digital Space
Women in Policing and Law Enforcement

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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