International Conference on Pesticide Chemistry ICPC on May 20-21, 2026 in Berlin, Germany

International Conference on Pesticide Chemistry ICPC on May 20-21, 2026 in Berlin, Germany

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International Conference on Pesticide Chemistry (ICPC) May 20, 2026 - Berlin, Germany
Pesticide Chemistry
Emerging Issues and Challenges
Climate Change, Population Growth and Agriculture’s Response
Sustainability: A Greener Revolution?
Mode of Action and Resistance Management
Cutting edge approaches to mode of action discovery
Discovery and Synthesis
Design, isolation, synthesis, biology and/or structure-activity relationships
Agricultural Biotechnology
Molecular and RNAi-based technologies
Environmental Fate and Metabolism
Measuring/modeling of pesticide degradation, transport and bioavailability in soil, water, and air at nanoscale to macroscale from agricultural to urban environments
Environmental and Human Exposure and Risk Assessment
Developments in hazard identification, exposure, dose-response, and risk characterization science for human exposures and environmental effects
Residues in Food and Feed
Technical advances in analytical methodology
Formulation and Application Technologies
Interaction between formulation physical properties and the application equipment such as spray nozzle or atomizer
Stewardship, Regulation, and Outreach

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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