International Conference on Parallel, Distributed Systems and Software Engineering ICPDSSE on August 12-13, 2026 in Venice, Italy

International Conference on Parallel, Distributed Systems and Software Engineering ICPDSSE on August 12-13, 2026 in Venice, Italy

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International Conference on Parallel, Distributed Systems and Software Engineering (ICPDSSE) August 12, 2026 - Venice, Italy
Parallel Computing: Massively parallel machines; embedded parallel and distributed systems; multi and many-core systems; GPU and FPGA based parallel systems; parallel I/O; memory organization

Distributed and Network-based Computing: Cluster, Grid, Web and Cloud computing; mobile computing; interconnection networks

Data Intensive Computing: Large scale data processing; distributed databases and archives; large scale data management; metadata; data intensive applications

Models and Tools: Programming languages and environments; runtime support systems; performance prediction and analysis; simulation of parallel and distributed systems

Systems and Architectures: Novel system architectures; high data throughput architectures; service-oriented architectures; heterogeneous systems; shared-memory and message-passing systems; middleware and distributed operating systems; dependability and survivability; resource management

Advanced Algorithms and Applications: Distributed algorithms; multi-disciplinary applications; computations over irregular domains; numerical applications with multi-level parallelism; real-time distributed applications; distributed business applications

Software Engineering: Component Technologies, Testing, Empirical Studies, Design Recovery and Documentation, Formal Methods, Software Design, Software Process, Program Analysis, Software Architecture, Software Understanding, Consistency Management and Quality Assurance, Case Studies, Automotive Software Engineering, Process Analysis and Improvement, Process and Tools, Testing and Fault Correction, Extreme Programming, Course Delivery and Evaluation, Process and Methodology

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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