International Conference on One Health ICOH on January 16-17, 2025 in Nicosia, Cyprus

International Conference on One Health ICOH on January 16-17, 2025 in Nicosia, Cyprus

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International Conference on One Health (ICOH) January 16, 2025 - Nicosia, Cyprus
One Health Research
Terrestrial, aquatic and aerial (land, sea, air) pathogens
Pathogens and predisposing factors in the food chain
Vector-borne pathogens
Immuno-toxicology and infectious diseases
Antibiotic, antiviral and antiparasitic resistance: medical vs veterinary drivers
Biodiversity and emerging pathogens
Novel technologies: from molecular to modelling
Ecosystems and wildlife in pathogen emergence
Comparing pathogenesis in natural and spill-over hosts
Demographics and behaviour in humans and animals
Climate, environment and emerging pathogens
Molecular basis of emergence
Comparing drivers in different continents: from poverty reduction to global connectivity
Early responses by clinicians and veterinarians
Intervention strategies and benefits of modelling
One Health implementation: case studies

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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