International Conference on Oil Reserves and Energy Management ICOREM on June 03-04, 2026 in New York, United States

International Conference on Oil Reserves and Energy Management ICOREM on June 03-04, 2026 in New York, United States

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International Conference on Oil Reserves and Energy Management (ICOREM) June 03, 2026 - New York, United States
Geopolitics of oil and natural gas
Oil and gas transportation and pipelines
Oil reserves and production
Technology adoption prospects and policies
Integration of intermittent power sources
Energy storage and network balancing
Vertical integration versus unbundling
Grid integration and infrastructure
Computing, data and energy system modelling
Distributed generation issues
Policy, targets and resource efficiency
Prospects for alternative transportation fuels
Energy and sustainable development
Energy efficiency challenges
Energy and environmental policy
Prospects for nuclear power
Prospects of CCS technologies
Shale fuel reserves, economics and sustainability
Low carbon heat and power (CCS, Nuclear, Wind, Solar, Hydro, etc.)
Low carbon transport (Fuel Cells and Hydrogen)
Regulation and regulation uncertainties
Risk management issues in the energy sector
Security of supply issues
Distributed generation
Carbon trading and taxation
Climate change and energy industry
Market power issues
Carbon pricing and emissions trading
Renewable and markets
Integrating finance, economies and energy
Design of energy markets
Energy prices and uncertainties
Energy demand and economic growth
Energy markets and regulation
Investment issues in liberalized markets
Power and gas trade under volatile prices
Greenhouse gas abatement costs and potentials
Clean energy technologies and management

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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