International Conference on Obesity and Pancreatic Cancer ICOPC on November 04-05, 2026 in Amsterdam, Netherlands

International Conference on Obesity and Pancreatic Cancer ICOPC on November 04-05, 2026 in Amsterdam, Netherlands

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International Conference on Obesity and Pancreatic Cancer (ICOPC) November 04, 2026 - Amsterdam, Netherlands
Steroids and hormones in obesity
Cushing disease
Endocrine and metabolic diseases public health and prevention
Treatment and diagnosis of endocrine diseases
Bariatric surgery
Surgical and non-surgical liposuction
Post-operative surgical outcome in obesity
Plastic surgery and obesity
Surgical treatments of endocrine diseases
Roux-en-y gastric and stomach bypass
Obesity and breast cancer
Obesity and esophageal cancer
Obesity and pancreatic cancer
Obesity and gall bladder cancer
Obesity and kidney cancer
Nutritional genomics
Phenotype and genomics of obesity
Cellular, molecular and genetic bases of obesity
Gene interaction
Hereditary factors

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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