International Conference on Nutrition and Food Sciences ICNFS on September 09-10, 2026 in Singapore, Singapore

International Conference on Nutrition and Food Sciences ICNFS on September 09-10, 2026 in Singapore, Singapore

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International Conference on Nutrition and Food Sciences (ICNFS) September 09, 2026 - Singapore, Singapore
Natural Products and Innovative
Food Processing
Food Chemistry
Functional ingredients
Food fermentation
Food Biochemistry and Food Processing
Emerging food processing techniques

Food Safety and Quality
Food safety regulations and standards
Halal food production
Foodborne hazards

Nutrition and Food Security
Food security
Diet and cognition

Food Anthropology and Gastronomy
Food marketing
Food gastronomy
Food culture, heritage and identity

Equitable food systems with dietary diversity
Local food for improving nutrition
Traditional knowledge and culture in public health nutrition
Biodiversity for diet diversity
Subjective issues in eating practices

Environment and food and nutrition security for all
Food and nutrition security: new concepts and strategies
Food systems
Determinants of and threats to health
Defining key determinants in the lifecourse for action
Issues on nutrients of current public health interest
Nutrition related conditions of current special interest
Food practices throughout the lifecourse
Food and nutrition policies
Role of the United Nations in coherent action and progress in world nutrition
Managing nutrition transitions
Multiple sectoral policy revisited
Reforming nutrition reference standards: how effective are nutrient and anthropometric goals?
Food Regulation

Successful strategies and interventions
Direct Nutrition interventions
Indirect Nutrition Interventions with impact on food and nutrition security
Impact of food and related industries and food industry on public health nutrition

Nature of and strengthening of Public Health Nutrition
Theories of knowledge in nutrition
Evidence base of public health nutrition
Capacity building of public health nutrition professionals
Capacity building of the public

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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