International Conference on Neuroscience and Brain Disorders ICNBD on September 27-28, 2026 in Istanbul, Turkey

International Conference on Neuroscience and Brain Disorders ICNBD on September 27-28, 2026 in Istanbul, Turkey

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International Conference on Neuroscience and Brain Disorders (ICNBD) September 27, 2026 - Istanbul, Turkey
Brain disorders
Brain trauma
Viral infections
Brain’s electrical pathway
Genesis of brain
Brain Disorders: pathophysiology
Molecular and cellular mechanism
Altered cerebral hemodynamics
Cerebrovascular autoregulation
Cerebral oxygenation
Excitotoxic cell damage
Cerebral metabolic dysfunction
Changes in coordination or balance
Structural and functional brain
Neurology of brain
Analysis, assessment and diagnosis
Brain complications
Neuroimmunology of brain
Head ache and migraines
Neurodegeneration and aging disorders
Cerebro spinal complications
Psychiatric brain
Addiction and brain disorders
Brain nursing
Pediatric neurology
Computational brain and nervous system
Brain engineering
Animal models in brain research

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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