International Conference on Network Strategy, Planning and Management ICNSPM on November 11-12, 2026 in Rome, Italy

International Conference on Network Strategy, Planning and Management ICNSPM on November 11-12, 2026 in Rome, Italy

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International Conference on Network Strategy, Planning and Management (ICNSPM) November 11, 2026 - Rome, Italy
Network Strategy and Planning
Emerging Topics in Network Planning and Operations
Software Defined Networking
Network Function Virtualization
Cloud Networking
Big Data Analytics
Cybersecurity issues and solutions
OTT services and impact on service providers
Social Networks and impact on new services
Vehicular and 5G networks and their challenges
Smart cites
Internet of Things
Peer to peer networking
New paradigms

Network Design and Planning Methods
Network topology design and optimization at different layers: physical optical, media and control
Network design methods for multimedia services
End-to-end service performance evaluation
Quality of Service, Quality of Resilience, performance and SLA
Networks interconnection
Ad-hoc and sensor networks
Network resilience: survivability, protection, restoration and availability
Energy efficiency
Content Delivery and media services

Traffic Measurements and Modelling
Multiservice traffic measurement, analysis, characterization and simulation at network level
Application of measurements for network design and planning
Data collection and analysis
Methods and tools for traffic measurements and predictions
Network monitoring and anomaly detection
Traffic measurements and models related to Emerging Topics

Economic Aspects of Network Planning and Operations
CAPEX vs. OPEX tradeoffs
Cost modelling and pricing
Network neutrality
Frequency management
Dynamic tariff optimization per customer requirement and network status
Infrastructure and spectrum sharing
Virtual Network Operators

Network Planning Support Processes
Methods and Tools
Multilayer planning process
Business planning
Optical network, access planning, NGN planning methods and tools, LTE+ and 5G planning
Network management support
Hybrid planning methods and tools
Migration and dismantling of legacy equipment planning

Routing, Traffic Flows and Optimization
New signalling and control in multimedia/multiservice systems
P2P (peer-to-peer) traffic flows and implications on network demand
Intra-domain and inter-domain routing, traffic engineering and resilience
Optimization process with technical and economic criteria
Routing strategies to reduce power consumption
Impact of cloud and grid services

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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