International Conference on Nanotechnology, Optoelectronics and Photonics ICNOP on May 17-18, 2026 in Sydney, Australia

International Conference on Nanotechnology, Optoelectronics and Photonics ICNOP on May 17-18, 2026 in Sydney, Australia

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International Conference on Nanotechnology, Optoelectronics and Photonics (ICNOP) May 17, 2026 - Sydney, Australia
Nanotechnology and Applications
Nanoelectronics and Nanodevices
Nano-optics, Nano-Photonics, and Nano-optoelectronics
Nanofabrication, Nanolithography, Nano Manipulation, and Nano imaging
Nano sensors/effectors and Nano membranes
Nanocarbon, Nanodiamond and Carbon Nanotube-Based Technologies
Computation / Modeling and Simulation
System Integration (Nano/Micro/Macro), NEMS, and Actuators
Defense/Medical/Commercial Applications
Molecular Electronics, Inorganic Nanowires,Nanocrystals, and Quantum Dots
Spintronics, Nanomagnetics, and Quantum Computing
Nano-bio Fusion, Nano Biology, Nano-Bio-Medical Science
Nano-Circuits and Architectures
Nanomaterials and Nanostructures
Nano Manufacturing and Robotics
Health and Safety, Economic, and Societal Aspects
Nano Theory/Education
Reliability of Nanosystems

Laser Technology and Applications
Optoelectronics and Photonics
Laser Physics and Nonlinear Optics
Gas Lasers and Applications
Solid State Lasers: Technology and Devices
emiconductor lasers, including tunable lasers and multi-wavelength lasers
Laser Materials, Fabrication and Characterization
Laser material processing
Tera-hertz sources & detection
Tera-Hertz propagation

Optical Communication and Sensors
Special Fibers and cables
New technologies impacting components and sub-systems
High-speed communication systems
Optical access networks
Fiber-optic sensor and networks
Fundamental performance characteristics and incremental advances
Network installation and Engineering performance characteristics
Application and Field trials
Standardization and interoperability
Fiber lasers, optical signal processing and free-space communications

Optical Storage and Technologies
Basic Theory and New Concept
Optical Media
Optical Drive Technologies
Coding and Signal Processing
Testing Methods and Systems
High Density Magnetic Recording
Solid State Memory
Storage Systems and Applications

Optoelectronic Devices and Integration
White LED and related technologies
High performance semiconductor optical amplifiers
Advanced optoelectronics device fabrication technologies
Nonlinear optical devices and all-optical signal processing
Electro-optic modulators and related advanced modulation format technologies
Advanced radio-over-fiber devices and related technologies
Intelligent optoelectronic devices and optical switching
Grating-based devices and related technologies
Nano technologies and their application in optoelectronics devices
Slow and fast light devices and related technologies
Free-space communications related devices and technologies
New optoelectronic device materials and processing

Medical and Biological Applications
Biomedical optics
Laser medical diagnostics and therapeutics
Diffuse optical imaging, steady-state, time-resolved and photon-density-wave techniques
Optical coherence tomography
Advanced biological microscopy
Photochemistry and photobiology
Laser tissue interactions and laser surgery

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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