International Conference on Nanomaterials, Nanotechnology and Nanomechanical Testing ICNNNT on January 23-24, 2025 in London, United Kingdom

International Conference on Nanomaterials, Nanotechnology and Nanomechanical Testing ICNNNT on January 23-24, 2025 in London, United Kingdom

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International Conference on Nanomaterials, Nanotechnology and Nanomechanical Testing (ICNNNT) January 23, 2025 - London, United Kingdom
Deformation mechanisms
Fundamental studies in mechanical and indentation testing (size effects, phase transformations…)
FIB/lithography and novel preparation methods for micro- and nanoscale objects
In situ techniques (synchrotron, electron microscopy, light microscopy…)
Modeling: molecular dynamics, discrete dislocation dynamics and crystal plasticity
Testing of nanostructures, thin films and coatings
Fatigue and fracture testing
Testing of polymeric and biomaterials
Testing of metals, ceramics and composites
High temperature and environmental testing
Future directions

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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