International Conference on Medical Physics, Nuclear and Radiological Engineering ICMPNRE on October 25-26, 2026 in Barcelona, Spain

International Conference on Medical Physics, Nuclear and Radiological Engineering ICMPNRE on October 25-26, 2026 in Barcelona, Spain

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International Conference on Medical Physics, Nuclear and Radiological Engineering (ICMPNRE) October 25, 2026 - Barcelona, Spain
Advanced small reactors without on-site refueling
Advances in Nuclear Power Technology Development
Basic Processes in Fully and Partially Ionized Plasmas
Chambers, vacuum vessels, blankets, and shields
Charged Particle Beams and Sources
Condensed Matter Nuclear Science
Diagnostics, data acquisition, and plasma control systems
Divertors and plasma materials interactions
Electromagnetics and electromechanics
Energy policy
Environmental Impacts of Nuclear Power Plant
External Costs in Nuclear Power Plant
Fusion Device Engineering
Global Warming , Reduction of Carbon Dioxide a Climatic Challenge
Heating and current drive
High Energy Density Plasmas and their Interactions
HSE Management in Nuclear Power Plant Operation
IFE drivers, targets and related technologies
Industrial, Commercial and Medical Applications of Plasmas
Innovative energy systems, Hydrogen energy system, cogeneration system, thermal energy utilization system
Innovative nuclear energy systems, nuclear utilization systems based on fuel cycle, simultaneous solution for safety, radioactive wastes, and proliferation problems
Innovative separation and fuel cycles/radioactive wastes
Innovative transmutation systems
International Commitment on Environmental Aspects of Nuclear Power Plants
ITER and experimental devices
Magnet engineering
Material and process for innovative energy systems
Materials assembly, fabrication, and maintenance
Microwave Generation and Plasma Interaction
Need for Nuclear Power; an Alternative Source of Energy
New device design and reactor studies
Nuclear and Plasma Sciences
Nuclear Data for Science and Technology
Nuclear education
Nuclear non-proliferation issues
Nuclear Power Plant and World Energy Market
Nuclear Waste and its Fate in Planning for Nuclear Power Plant Development
Planning for Nuclear Power
Plasma Diagnostics
Plasma Fueling, pumping, and tritium handling systems
Power systems
Pulsed Power and Other Plasma Applications
Radiological Engineering
Radiation physics
Rich-Media Webcasting Technologies for Nuclear Power Plants
Role of International Organization in Protecting of Environment, Safe Utilization of Nuclear Power and Public Awareness
Safety and environmental engineering
Safety and Security in Nuclear Power Plant Development
Sustainable Development and Nuclear Power
The Influence of Target Fabrication on High-Energy-Density-Physics Experiments
Theoretical and computational nuclear physics

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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