International Conference on Media and Democracy ICMD on August 30-31, 2026 in Sydney, Australia

International Conference on Media and Democracy ICMD on August 30-31, 2026 in Sydney, Australia

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International Conference on Media and Democracy (ICMD) August 30, 2026 - Sydney, Australia
Media, language and democracy
Media, language and symbolic power
Media, political rhetoric’s and political violence
Media and political communication
Media, democracy and traditional governance
Media, national institutions and democracy
Media and the conception of national agenda
Media, democracy and governance
Media, ethnic identity and democracy
Media, religious conflict and political stability
Media, conflict and crises management
Media ownership, democracy and governance
Media, concept citizenry and democracy
Media and the concept ‘good of governance’
Media and coupe d’états
Media reportage and democracy
Media, democracy and political education
Media, political activism and governance
Media, democracy and aid
Media law and regulation
Media, gender and democratization
Media, democracy and human rights
Community media and democracy
Media and Ethics
Media and African centeredness
Media and cultural politics
New Media and democracy
New Media and the renewal of local democracy
New media, democratic theory and public sphere
Digital media and the renewal of local democracy
Development democracy and the media
Media, African centeredness and democracy
National media and globalization
Class, democracy and the media
Media ownership and democracy
Political advertising
Media policies and media politics
New Media and Populism
Religion, media and democracy
Public interest journalism
Journalism in the global news world
Democracy and transformation of public spaces
Political blogging and the rhetoric of democracy
Media, location and culture
Objectivity, impartiality and the governance of journalism
E-government and Government

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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