International Conference on Marxism and Historical Materialism ICMHM on June 03-04, 2025 in Rome, Italy

International Conference on Marxism and Historical Materialism ICMHM on June 03-04, 2025 in Rome, Italy

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International Conference on Marxism and Historical Materialism (ICMHM) June 03, 2025 - Rome, Italy
Marxist philosophy
Marxist theory
Marxism and philosophy
The Philosophy of Marx
Marx and Hegel: Aristotelian Organicism and Essentialism, The Stages of World History, The Difference Between Natural and Historical Change, Contradiction
The rupture with German Idealism and the Young Hegelians
Criticisms of the "human rights"
Criticisms of Feuerbach
Historical materialism
Differences within Marxist philosophy
Critical theory
Dialectical materialism
Frankfurt School's critical theory
Marxist sociology
Orthodox Marxism
Analytical Marxism
Rethinking Marxism

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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