International Conference on Marketing and Management Sciences ICMMS on November 11-12, 2026 in Venice, Italy

International Conference on Marketing and Management Sciences ICMMS on November 11-12, 2026 in Venice, Italy

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International Conference on Marketing and Management Sciences (ICMMS) November 11, 2026 - Venice, Italy
Advertising and Integrated Marketing Communication
Advertising and Children
Beauty Business and Medical Tourism Management
B-to-B and Industrial Marketing
Business Administration
Business Law and Ethics
Consumer Behavior in the Service Industry
Consumer Behavior of International Tourism
Consumer Psychology
Corporate Branding
Corporate Marketing-Corporate Reputation
Cross Media Marketing-Cross Media Management
Cultural Marketing
Customer Relationship Management
Decision Sciences and Operations Management
Design and Color Marketing
E-Business, E-Government, and E-Society
Fashion Marketing of Luxury Brands
Fashion Merchandizing
Global Consumer Behavior and Marketing Strategy
Global Marketing-Challenges in the Face of Economic Uncertainty
Global Product Innovation Management
Human Resources
Innovation and Learning
Innovation, Diffusion and Adoption of High Technology
Interactive Advertising
Intercultural Communication
International Business
Internet Marketing
Knowledge Management
Marketing and Public Policy
Management and Organizational Behavior
Management and Sustainable Development
Management Information Systems
Mapping Strategic Thinking in Marketing
Marketing and Innovation in International Markets
Marketing Channels and Relationship Marketing
Marketing Dynamic Capabilities
Marketing Model-Consumer Choice Model and Demand Forecasting
Marketing Orientation in Emerging Economies
Marketing Strategy
Mobile Marketing
Negotiation, Relationship Selling and Global Account Management
Operational Research and its applications to industry and economy
Retail Management
Sales Management
Small Business and Entrepreneurship
Social Issues in Management
Strategic Business
Strategic Marketing
Technology and Innovation

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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