International Conference on Managing Intellectual Property ICMIP on June 24-25, 2026 in Paris, France

International Conference on Managing Intellectual Property ICMIP on June 24-25, 2026 in Paris, France

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International Conference on Managing Intellectual Property (ICMIP) June 24, 2026 - Paris, France
Managing Intellectual Property Rights
Challenges and Competitions: Managing Intellectual Property Rights
Claiming of intellectual property rights
Compliance with research ethics
Copyright and IP Management
Curriculum Development and Developing Innovative Methodologies for Teaching IP
Customization and Implementation of IP Policies in Industry, Public Research Organizations and Universities
Development of IP Policies in Universities and Research Institutions in Countries in Transition
Dispute resolution in Collaborative Research
Economic Potential of IP Licensing at Industry, Public Research Organizations and Universities
Entrepreneurship and IP in Industry, Public Research Organizations and Universities
Forecasting developments, policy-making and designing strategies for the management of knowledge and IP
Geographical Indications and IP Management
Goals and Objectives, Globalization of IP and its Effects on IP Teaching
Implementation of the EPO Road Map for raising IP awareness in universities
Industrial Designs and IP Management
Industry, Public Research Organizations and Universities experience in IP management
Intellectual Property Policy in Fusion
Intellectual property rights management and digital rights management
IP for Development
IP Statistics
Managing Intellectual Property in the Digital Environment
Methodologies and Experience in IP Teaching and Training
Patents and IP Management
Practical tools for dealing with IP in Fusion
Research, development and innovation ethics and IP
Test and Trial Licensing Regime
The Economics of IP
The Management of Knowledge and Intellectual Assets in Universities
Trademarks and IP Management
Traditional Knowledge
Violation of Intellectual Property laws and rules
Vision IP
WIPO Tool on IP Teaching in Countries in Transition

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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