International Conference on Machine Learning and Technology ICMLT on March 24-25, 2025 in Singapore, Singapore

International Conference on Machine Learning and Technology ICMLT on March 24-25, 2025 in Singapore, Singapore

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International Conference on Machine Learning and Technology (ICMLT) March 24, 2025 - Singapore, Singapore
Statistical learning
Neural network learning
Learning through fuzzy logic
Llearning through evolution (evolutionary algorithms)
Reinforcement learning
Multistrategy learning
Cooperative learning
Planning and learning
Multi-agent learning
Online and incremental learning
Scalability of learning algorithms
Inductive learning
Inductive logic programming
Bayesian networks
Support vector machines
Case-based reasoning
Evolutionary computation
Machine learning and natural language processing
Multi-lingual knowledge acquisition and representation
Grammatical inference
Knowledge acquisition and learning
Knowledge discovery in databases
Knowledge intensive learning
Knowledge representation and reasoning
Machine learning and information retrieval
Machine learning for bioinformatics and computational biology
Machine learning for web navigation and mining
Learning through mobile data mining
Text and multimedia mining through machine learning
Distributed and parallel learning algorithms and applications
Feature extraction and classification
Theories and models for plausible reasoning
Computational learning theory
Cognitive modeling
Hybrid learning algorithms
Game playing and problem solving
Intelligent virtual environments
Industrial and engineering applications
Homeland security applications
Medicine, bioinformatics and systems biology
Economics, business and forecasting applications

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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