International Conference on Low Carbon Manufacturing and Sustainable Technologies ICLCMST on June 10-11, 2026 in Barcelona, Spain

International Conference on Low Carbon Manufacturing and Sustainable Technologies ICLCMST on June 10-11, 2026 in Barcelona, Spain

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International Conference on Low Carbon Manufacturing and Sustainable Technologies (ICLCMST) June 10, 2026 - Barcelona, Spain
Low carbon manufacturing
Low carbon manufacturing industry
Low carbon economy and sustainable development
Design and management of sustainable factories
Carbon emission reduction
Manufacturing technologies for sustainability and low fossil carbon emissions
Low carbon manufacturing: characterization, theoretical models and implementation

Thermal energy management, recovery, storage and use
Recycling and remanufacturing
Novel low carbon manufacturing design, production and optimized systems
Low carbon manufacturing of bulk materials and chemicals
Energy efficiency assessment and control of mechanical manufacturing systems
Parameter optimization for advanced manufacturing and remanufacturing
Low fossil-carbon process planning and production scheduling
Integration of supply-chain innovations and advanced manufacturing
Sustainable innovation for product-service systems

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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