International Conference on Leadership, Technology and Innovation Management ICLTIM on June 24-25, 2026 in Paris, France

International Conference on Leadership, Technology and Innovation Management ICLTIM on June 24-25, 2026 in Paris, France

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International Conference on Leadership, Technology and Innovation Management (ICLTIM) June 24, 2026 - Paris, France
Emerging Technologies
Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Leaders
Environmental Technology and Innovation Management
Financing and Commercializing Innovation
Global Production Network
Innovation for Green Technologies
Human Resource Management Issues in Innovation
Innovation in Industrial and Manufacturing System Technologies
Information and Communication Technology Management
Innovation and Leadership Issues within Multinational Corporations
Innovation and Management of Renewable Resources
Innovation for Low-Income Markets and Social Innovation
Innovation for Sustainable Development
Innovation in Services, Logistics and Supply-Chain Management
Innovation Policy and Management
Innovation, Management and Technology
Knowledge Management and Innovation
Leadership and Multicultural Relations
Intellectual Property Rights and Patents
Leader Roles for Innovation
Key (Converging) Technologies (Nano-, Bio-, ICT Technology) and Innovation
Leadership Development in Multicultural Contexts
Manufacturing and Production Processes
Management of Innovation and Technology
Managing Collaborative Innovation
Multicultural Communication and Leadership
National and Regional Systems of Innovation
New Product / Service Development
Organizational Innovation
Process Innovation
Project and Program Management
Project Management
Research and Development Management
Regional Innovation Systems, Clusters and Industrial Networks
Service Science and Innovation
Technology Development and Innovation at Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
Social Impact of Technology Development
Sustainable Development
Sustainable Innovation and Technology Incubation
Technological Alliances, Mergers and Acquisitions
Technological Innovation, Product Innovation and Industrial Innovation
Technology Foresight and Forecasting
Technology in the Financial / Services Sector
Technology Intelligence, and Planning and Leadership
Technology Strategy and Leadership
Technology Transfer, Marketing and Commercialization
Web Technologies and Information Management

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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