International Conference on Law, Policing and Justice ICLPJ on March 24-25, 2025 in Brussels, Belgium

International Conference on Law, Policing and Justice ICLPJ on March 24-25, 2025 in Brussels, Belgium

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International Conference on Law, Policing and Justice (ICLPJ) March 24, 2025 - Brussels, Belgium
Policing, Public Safety and The Role of Civil Society
Policing, public safety and the role of civil society
Increasing safety feelings among the citizens
Using the citizens assessments as performance indicators for the Police
NGO involvement in fighting transnational crime (eg human trafficking, drugs, stolen artifacts, wild life, etc)
How can police and NGOs work together to improve public safety (local, state, national, transnational)
Drawing a thin Line between Community Policing and Traditional Policing
Innovations in Policing to handle Diverse Crimes
Criminal Justice - Police Operations

Sustainable Security in Developed and Developing Nations
The role of civilian police in peacekeeping and post-conflict
Police - NGO cooperation in peacekeeping or in rule of law reform in post-conflict nations or transitioning nations
Integrated Security Systems for Urban/ Populated areas
The Role of Police in Nations with Emerging Economies
Issues of development and role of criminal justice agencies in ensuring justice
Sustainable security
United Nations Civilian Police and peacekeeping

Police and NGOs: A Practice Research Relationship
Police - University Cooperation
Police - NGO research partnerships

Social Conditions and Crime
The Financial Crisis and its affect on Financial Crime
How can NGO's assist Policing or in community safety (local, state, national, transnational)
Using law enforcement to help eradication of poverty
Education as a crime prevention policy
Social programs and crime prevention
Providing equal protection of the law for those in the lower socio-economic groups
Preventing Financial and Other White Collar Crimes
Engaging the Citizenry in the Prevention and Control of Corruption and other Crimes

Addressing Gender and Youth Violence in Society
Addressing the problems of women and children in conflict and post conflict societies
Women peace-builders in conflict and post-conflict society
Innovations in policing violence against women and children
Armed violence and development
Restorative Justice
Women, economic development and violence in developing countries
Major initiatives in reducing youth violence and youth as victims

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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