International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation ICLRE on February 03-04, 2025 in Havana, Cuba

International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation ICLRE on February 03-04, 2025 in Havana, Cuba

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International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (ICLRE) February 03, 2025 - Havana, Cuba
Guidelines, standards, best practices and models for LRs interoperability
Methodologies and tools for LRs construction and annotation
Methodologies and tools for extraction and acquisition of knowledge
Ontologies, terminology and knowledge representation
LRs and Semantic Web
LRs and Crowdsourcing
Metadata for LRs and semantic/content mark-up
Exploitation of LRs in systems and applications
Sign language, multimedia information and multimodal communication
LRs in systems and applications such as: information extraction, information retrieval, audio-visual and multimedia search, speech dictation, meeting transcription, Computer Aided Language Learning, training and education, mobile communication, machine translation, speech translation, summarisation, web services, semantic search, text mining, inferencing, reasoning, etc.
Interfaces: (speech-based) dialogue systems, natural language and multimodal/multisensorial interactions, voice-activated services, etc.
Use of (multilingual) LRs in various fields of application like e-government, e-culture, e-health, e-participation, mobile applications, digital humanities, etc.
Industrial LRs requirements, user needs
Issues in LT evaluation
LT evaluation methodologies, protocols and measures
Validation and quality assurance of LRs
Benchmarking of systems and products
Usability evaluation of HLT-based user interfaces and dialogue systems
User satisfaction evaluation
General issues regarding LRs & Evaluation
International and national activities, projects and collaboration
Priorities, perspectives, strategies in national and international policies for LRs
Multilingual issues, language coverage and diversity, less-resourced languages
Open, linked and shared data and tools, open and collaborative architectures
Organisational, economical, ethical and legal issues

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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