International Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Technologies ICKMKT on May 16-17, 2024 in Paris, France

International Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Technologies ICKMKT on May 16-17, 2024 in Paris, France

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International Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Technologies (ICKMKT) May 16, 2024 - Paris, France
Knowledge Management
Theories for Knowledge Management
Concepts for Knowledge Management
Models for Knowledge Management
Innovative Approaches to Knowledge Management
Evaluations and Use Case Studies of Knowledge Management

Knowledge Discovery
Information Retrieval and Search Visualization
Semantic Enhanced Knowledge Discovery
Knowledge Discovery in the Future Internet
Information Quality on the Web
Knowledge Relationship Discovery and Statistical Relational Learning
Large Scale Knowledge Discovery
Text Mining & Semantic Enrichment

Knowledge Services
User context detection and activity logging
User profile modeling and maintenance
Context-aware recommendation
Collaborative knowledge construction and modeling
Collaborative knowledge maturing
Knowledge sharing and communication
which are based on Knowledge Technologies such as

Web 2.0 and Future Internet
Social Network Analysis
Adaptive, context-aware systems
Semantic technologies
Mobile computing approaches
Web-services, SOA, service orchestration
knowledge mash-ups
Linked-open data
Trust & privacy approaches

Social Media
Models of propagation and influence in twitter, blogs and social tagging systems
Models of expertise and trust in twitter, wikis, newsgroups, question and answering systems
Agent-based models of social media
Models of emergent social media properties
Cooperation and collaboration models
Modeling social media users and their motivations and goals
Architectural and framework models
User modeling and behavioral models
Social Media Engineering

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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