International Conference on Knowledge and Software Engineering ICKS on February 25-27, 2023 in Singapore, Singapore

International Conference on Knowledge and Software Engineering ICKS on February 25-27, 2023 in Singapore, Singapore

International Conference on Knowledge and Software Engineering (ICKS) February 25, 2023 - Singapore, Singapore

Publication Information for ICKSE 2023:

Accepted papers after undergoing a preliminary review and rigorous peer review will be published in International Journal of Knowledge Engineering as a special issue, which will be indexed by Google Scholar, Crossref, ProQuest etc.


Technical Program Committees :

Assoc. Prof. Xiao-Jun Zeng, The University of Manchester, UK

Katalina Grigorova, University of Ruse, Bulgaria

Tzung-Her Chen, National Chiayi University, Taiwan

James H. Jones Jr., George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, USA

Chien-Yuan Chen, National Chiayi University, Taiwan


Please feel free contact with us:

Nancy Liu (Conference Secretary)

E-mail: [email protected]

Knowledge Acquisition

Knowledge-Based and Expert Systems

Knowledge Representation and Retrieval

Knowledge Engineering Tools and Techniques

Time and Knowledge Management Tools

Knowledge Visualization

Data visualization

Uncertainty Knowledge Management

Ontologies and Methodologies

Learning Software Organization

Tutoring, Documentation Systems

Human-Computer Interaction

Multimedia Applications, Frameworks, and Systems

Multimedia and Hypermedia Software Engineering.


Name: etpub

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