International Conference on Internet Communication Technologies ICICT on May 24-25, 2025 in London, United Kingdom

International Conference on Internet Communication Technologies ICICT on May 24-25, 2025 in London, United Kingdom

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International Conference on Internet Communication Technologies (ICICT) May 24, 2025 - London, United Kingdom
Internet application and technology
Internet communication
Advanced communication systems
Internet communication software and software engineering
Social media and social networks
Data science and social media analysis
Advanced e-systems and applications
Types of internet communication systems
Future of internet communication

Internet technologies
Internet architecture
Internet of things
Broadband access technologies
Application agents
Boundary issues of internet security
Database management
Data models for production systems and services
Artificial intelligence and expert systems
IPSEC quality of service
Knowledge management
Embedded systems
Defence systems

Infonomics and e-technology
Information visualization
Information management
Information quality
Technology-enabled information
System design and security for e-services
Synchronizing e-security

Multimedia and web services
Intelligent multimedia and its data management
Multimedia information systems
Multimedia security
Web databases
Web metrics and its applications
Web mining including web intelligence and web 3.0.
Web services
Xml and other extensible languages
Semantic web and ontology

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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